أسباب تأخر الدورة الشهرية

by swsan ail



Delayed menstruation is a topic that concerns many women. It is important to understand that there are several possible causes for a late period, and it is advisable to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause and get the correct diagnosis. Here are some possible reasons for a late period:Pregnancy: If, after being regular, your period is late, the first reason to rule out is pregnancy. Pregnancy can cause a delay in menstruation, and women who experience a delay in menstruation should check for pregnancy using a home pregnancy test or consult a doctor for the necessary tests.Stress and psychological stress: Psychological stress and life pressures can affect the hormones in the body and cause a delay in menstruation. Anxiety, emotional stress, stress, and life changes such as moving to a new place or losing a loved one can all affect your period.Changes in weight: Significant changes in weight, whether increase or decrease, can affect the hormones in the body and lead to a delay in menstruation. Nutritional disorders such as very few numbers or excessive obesity may cause disruption of the menstrual cycle.Other health problems: Delayed menstruation may be the result of certain health problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome and gland disordersDownload now for free